EAIFO - Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials

A Leader and Innovator in College Football Officiating since 1945

Participants Database


Build and maintain a fully customizable database of participants,
members or anything with signup forms, admin backend, custom lists,
and CSV support.
== Description ==
This plugin offers all the functionality needed to build and maintain
a database of people. The database is fully configurable, allowing you
to define all the fields of information you want to store for each
record. The records can be entered individually in the WordPress admin
section, imported with a CSV file, or let the individuals themselves
create their own record. Display lists of records can be sorted and
filtered by any field, and the result exported as a CSV file.
This plugin was developed for an organization with the mission of
educating and empowering voters. This organization needed to quickly
build a database of concerned voters, supporters, and volunteers,
giving them an ability to collect input and feedback, organize
volunteers, and mobilize it's voter constituency with actions such as
petition drives and voter education campaigns.
This database could be of use to any organization that needs to build
and maintain lists of constituents, supporters, members, volunteers,
etc. for any purpose. It is designed to be easy to use and serve
multiple purposes, with several very powerful features to customize
it's functionality to the needs of your organization, club, sports
team, or any other large group of people.
The plugin can be easily adapted to work as a database for other
applications such as indexes, directories, catalogs, or anything,
really. The plugin uses a system of customizable templates for all
it's displays, and an API for the customization and extension of it's
capabilities. The plugin is fully internationalized with a growing set
of translations.
= Some of the features of the Participants Database Plugin: =
* fully configurable database for holding any kind of information
about people (or anything, really!)
* customizable forms for collecting and maintaining records
* both front-end and back-end versions of the forms
* shortcode for inserting a configurable sign-up short form into
WordPress pages, posts, etc.
* completing the sign-up form can direct visitors to another page for
a thank you message or reward
* shortcode for inserting a full-length form for people to fill out
and maintain their own records
* shortcode for displaying the list on the site, including the ability
to select and order columns to display, sorting and filtering rules to
determine which records are shown and in what order
* shortcode for showing a search form that takes the user to the
search results page
* email notification and confirmation with secure individual access
* email notification when a user edits a record
* searchable, sortable record listings in the WordPress admin
* many form elements to choose from including dropdowns, checkboxes,
radio buttons, image upload, rich text, etc.
* export CSV files for interacting with other databases, mass email,
print records
* import CSV files to add large numbers of records from spreadsheets
such as Open Office or Google Docs
* forms can be organized into groups of fields, making long forms
easier to navigate and fill out

= Database =

The heart of this plugin is the participants database, which is
completely configurable. It comes pre-filled with standard fields such
as name, address, phone, etc., but you can define any fields you want,
including the type of field, validation, help text and a print title
for each field. Fields are also organized into groups so large amounts
of information can be better managed, and long forms broken up into
logical sections.
Fields can be defined as text-lines, text-areas, rich text (with a
rich-text editor), single and multiple-select dropdowns, checkboxes,
radio buttons or image uploads. Each field has its own validation
which can be required, not required, or validated with a regular



EAIFO - Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials © 2014 Design/Hosting: KNO Technology Group, LLC